This Saturday, October 9th, is Lola Cookies & Treats' last weekend at the Leesburg Farmers Market until NEXT SPRING. SO, be sure to take advantage of the nice weather this weekend (supposed to be 81 on Saturday!) and pay Lola a visit at the market to pick up some cupcakes, scones, biscuits, and other goodies. The cupcake flavors will be Chocolate, Coconut, Dark Chocolate with Vanilla Buttercream, and Red Velvet. Don't worry, you can still get everything at the bakery all year long. And speaking of the bakery, Lola's is offering their Cupcakes for the Cure all month in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. All proceeds from these cupcakes (pictured below) go to the Susan G. Komen foundation.
And when you stop by the bakery, be sure to take this coupon with you for one free cookie of your choice. Good for 109 S. King Street customers only. Expires 10/9/10 at 5:30opm! (The coupon looks small here, but just click the image and it will take you to a screen with a larger image - print that one!)