Monday, February 9, 2009

Nostalgia Cupcakes Valentines Flavors

Nostalgia Cupcakes, who officially opened their doors on January 29th, is celebrating Valentine's Day with two special flavors.
The first flavor, Velvet Kiss, is a buttery soft chocolate cake with a liquid caramel center and bittersweet chocolate ganache. Cherry Cordial is their second flavor, and this cupcake is a chocolate cake filled with a soft cherry center and dipped in chocolate ganache. Sounds delicious!
You know what is really cool about Nostalgia Cupcakes? They are the first cupcakery I have seen to offer a frequent buyer card! Some of the blog readers and I were discussing how we wished cupcakeries would do this - so it's nice to see one finally run with it! When you make a cupcake purchase at Nostalgia, just ask the front counter for a frequent buyer card. Each time you visit they'll stamp the card, and after the 6th visit you'll recieve a free cupcake!
Nostalgia Cupcakes
is located at 188 Main Street, Suite 102 in Annapolis, Maryland. Custom orders should have 24 hour advance notice - 410.280.0660.


  1. Hello Cupcake has a frequent buyer card called "Baker's Dozen."

    Buy 12 and get 1 free.

  2. Really? That's awesome; I definitely did not know that! Thanks for the tip!
